How Many Cryptocurrency Wallets Are There (Top 10 List Of Best Crypto Wallets)

How Many Cryptocurrency Wallets Are There

are you interested to know how many cryptocurrency wallets are there?

I already suggest, that is why you are here, well the good news is that I have got you covered with this article.

I will cover A TO Z about cryptocurrency wallets and everything you should understand about crypto wallets.

read our related post about crypto

lets get started

we have two primary types of cryptocurrency wallets: custodial and non-custodial.

Custodial wallets are hosted by a third party that safeguards your keys for you.

Such a company could offer enterprise-level data protection technologies companies utilize to preserve and protect data.

Some crypto exchanges provide custodial wallets for their users.

Non-custodial wallets are wallets in which you establish responsibility by ensuring your keyphrases are protected.

The non-custodial wallet is the sort that most crypto wallets on smartphones.

What are the different types of cryptocurrency wallets?

  1. A cold wallet
  2. A hot wallet

Cryptocurrency wallets are available in many forms, but at their base,

they all serve as a way to protect secret information that gives you power over your digital assets.

You do not want to leave these to chance; losing access to these “private keys” means you may never get your cryptocurrency back.

Non-custodial wallets are a specific type of storage product chosen by many crypto enthusiasts since they leave you in control of your own private data.

Unlike when you hold assets on a cryptocurrency exchange, with a non-custodial wallet,

you don’t have to trust a third party to protect your private keys. The collapse of crypto exchange FTX and BlockFi,

which have left users wondering if their funds are gone forever,

illustrates the possible risks of leaving your crypto assets in someone else’s hands.

That’s not to say non-custodial wallets are without risk.

They are less accepting of mistakes such as forgotten passwords, and you must trust that your wallet’s hardware and software will function as you intended.

And moving assets between wallets regularly can become costly because of transaction fees imposed by underlying blockchain networks.

For these reasons, some crypto users have multiple types of wallets: some for long-term safekeeping and others for active trading.

Looking at the website of the cryptocurrency you want to store is one approach for choosing a wallet.

There are several single-purpose solutions wallets designed for specific cryptocurrencies.

However, if you wish to protect numerous cryptocurrencies in a single place, you can choose the best crypto exchange of your choice

Is there a wallet for all cryptocurrencies?

Guarda is a free, all-purpose cryptocurrency wallet that users can access by mobile, desktop, or browser extensions.

It claims to support over 400,000 digital assets.

Guarda users can send crypto into cold storage through a connection with the hardware wallet Ledger.

How many people in the world have a crypto wallet?

As of 2022, we have an increasing number of crypto wallets that crossed more than 84.02 million of crypto wallets.

So, by now, in 2023, it will reach about 100 million crypto wallets owned by various people in the world.

Based on the previous number of wallets I have seen in 2022, I am giving an estimation.

However, some cryptocurrency users use and store their cryptocurrencies on crypto exchanges such as Binance, Bybit, and others.

The number of wallets we mention above is an estimation that might be close to the exact amount of crypto wallet owners worldwide. 

What is the safest crypto wallet?

Subsequently, the user and their needs determine the ideal technique to store cryptocurrency.

A blend of hot and cold wallets can balance security and usability well.

Remember to create backups for your wallets and educate yourself on the mechanics of your wallet of choice to minimize the chance of user error.

What is the difference between hot and cold wallets?

A hot wallet holds funds on a device constantly connected to the Internet.

Cold wallets hold coins in offline cold storage, which is safe from hackers. A cold wallet can be brought online temporarily to make transactions.

What’s the difference between a self-custody and a custodial wallet?

A self-custody wallet means users control their private keys and fully own their coins.

A custodial wallet is a wallet where a trusted custodian holds the private keys to user funds. Read more about the benefits of self-custodying your crypto.

Why is it essential to back up a Bitcoin wallet?

It’s essential to back up a Bitcoin wallet because there could be several scenarios where users lose access to it.

Examples include losing a physical hardware wallet or forgetting the passcode to a hardware or software wallet.

With a backup such as a seed phrase, users can create a new wallet and restore their balances if something goes wrong.

Learn more about the best ways to store your crypto seed phrase.

Why are there so many crypto wallets?

Splitting your cryptocurrency among several wallets reduces the chance of losing your entire investment if a single wallet is hacked.

Additionally, using different types of wallets can provide further security benefits, as each type of crypto wallet has strengths and weaknesses.

Risks of having a single wallet

Most new entrants into the crypto space assume their assets are completely safe because they have written down their passphrase.

While this is a reasonable point of view, there may still be risks depending on how you use your wallet and what kind of wallet you use.

Can I have multiple crypto wallets?

Creating and managing multiple crypto wallets is the best practice for the self-custody of your assets.

You can start with two cryptocurrency wallets: one hot (for frequent and smaller transactions or stored coins) and one cold (for rare use and more significant amounts).

Use strong passwords, 2FA, and updated software for security.

People use multiple crypto wallets for a variety of reasons.

Some crypto users prefer to spread their holdings around to limit risk,

while others are actively involved in various crypto communities that require holding several different coins.

Should I keep my crypto in a wallet?

Cryptocurrency wallets are essential to store your investments safely and come in various types.

There are three significant types of crypto wallets: hardware, software, and paper, each with different purposes.

Hardware wallets are the most protected, while software wallets are more widely accessible and handy.

Paper wallets, printed on paper, have become less popular due to their limitations.

Hot wallets are Internet-connected and suitable for everyday transactions.

At the same time, cold wallets are offline and more secure for long-term holdings.

Hardware wallets like Ledger Nano S and Trezor offer enhanced security but may be challenging for beginners.

Desktop wallets, such as Exodus and Electrum, provide a good balance of security and convenience.

Mobile wallets are designed for smartphones and use QR codes for transactions but are vulnerable to malware.

Web wallets, are accessed via internet browsers, must be more secure and suitable for small investments.

Cryptocurrency wallets can be custodial (third-party controlled) or non-custodial (user-controlled), each with advantages and disadvantages.

How many crypto wallets should I have

Connecting to compromised websites is the down side of having only one wallet

When interacting with dApps on the Internet, you must usually connect your wallet to the website or platform and authorize transactions.

You should connect your wallet only to legitimate websites.

But even with a legitimate website, there is always a risk of it being hacked at some point in time.

Say you authorize a website to sign transactions on your behalf, and the website gets taken over by a malicious actor. In this scenario,

a hacker could steal all the funds in your wallet simultaneously, even if you are far from the device on which you have enabled the wallet extension.

So you should have at least 2 to 5 different cryptocurrency wallets and also make sure to backup all their seedphrases,

and keep it very safe for future use.

What are the different types of cryptocurrency wallets?

  • Hot and Cold Wallets
  • Hardware wallets
  • Paper Wallets
  • Desktop Wallets
  • Mobile Wallets
  • Web Wallets

Top Hot and Cold Wallets List 

Internet connection specifies whether a wallet is hot or cold.

Hot wallets are Internet-connected, which makes them less secure and offer more significant risks, but they are more user-friendly.

On the other hand, cold wallets are kept offline and do not need internet access.

As a result, security is improved, and potential risk is reduced.

Unlike a carry-around wallet, more significant amounts of money may be stored in a safe or a vault. Hot wallets are more likely for everyday transactions,

whereas cold wallets are more likely for long-term holdings.

Hot wallets are straightforward to set up and provide instant access to funds.

They are helpful to traders. Cold wallets are resistant to hacking, making cold storage useful for HODLers.

As a safeguard, a tiny percentage should be kept in hot wallets, allowing users to trade promptly from their cold storage devices.

Hardware Wallets

Hardware wallets happen to be physical devices that manage public addresses and keys.

It looks like a USB with an OLED screen and side buttons. It is a battery-free electronic device linked to a computer and accessed using native desktop programs.

It might cost between $70 and $150, but it is worth it. They’ve had a mixed feedback.

They are more secure than hot wallets and accessible than paper wallets but less secure than online and desktop wallets.

They are available in various formats and provide a good level of control. When the investment is significant,

they are challenging for novices to utilize. Ledger Nano S and Trezor are the most popular hardware wallets.

Paper Wallets

It is a cryptocurrency wallet with a physically printed QR code.

Some wallets enable you to download the code to establish new addresses offline.

They are not vulnerable to hacking, but their various faults make them risky.

The failure to send partial funds is a big problem. As a result, it cannot be reused.

They were used for cold storage before the introduction of hardware wallets.

Overall, paper wallets may be created with severe security procedures.

Wallets for Desktop

These installable software packs for operating systems progressively become more serious with time.

Anti-virus software is essential since a machine linked to the Internet offers serious security risks.

Desktop wallets for cryptocurrency should be utilized instead of crypto exchanges.

They are the third most secure cryptocurrency storage technique and the most effective approach for cold storage in an immaculate system.

They are simple to use, provide privacy and anonymity, and do not involve a third party.

The computer must be backed up regularly. Exodus, Bitcoin Core, Electrum, and other popular desktop wallets are listed here.

Wallets for mobile devices

Mobile wallets are similar to desktop wallets for smartphones.

They are handy since they make use of QR codes for transactions.

They are adequate for regular operations but vulnerable to malware infection.

Mobile wallet encryption is required. They are convenient and portable, yet they are vulnerable to viruses. Coinomi and Mycelium are two mobile wallets to consider.

Web Wallets for Internet

 as the name implies, browsers are used to access these wallets.

Some online wallets store private keys and are vulnerable to DDOS threats.

They may be either hosted or unhosted. Non-hosted is preferable because funds are always under control.

They are the most susceptible wallets. They are not equivalent to hot wallets.

They are suited for small investments along with swift transactions. MetaMask and Coinbase are two examples of wallet to choose from.

What is the most popular crypto wallet?

Here, I will list out the most popular crypto wallets and input the number of installed wallets or the number of wallets created by users on these various platforms.

So, I will start from the highest and move to the lowest.

1 MetaMask:   this wallet has 22.66 million

2 Coinbase Wallet:   11.00 million

3 Trust Wallet: it has 10.40 million

4 Wallet   10.00 million

5 Wallet   5.00 million

6 Phantom   2.54 million

7 Bitget Wallet  1.10 million

8 DeFi Wallet  1.07 million

9 Exodus  1.07 million

10 SafePal  1.06 million

11 TokenPocket 1.02 million

12 Keplr Wallet 1.01 million

13 Mycelium Wallet  1.00 million

14 Ledger Live  1.00 million

15 Krystal    1.00 million

16 imToken   1.00 million

17 Coinomi   1.00 million

18 BitPay      1.00 million

19 Atomic Wallet    1.00 million

20 Sui Wallet   0.90 million

21 Terra Station     0.60 million

22 Coin98       0.58 million

23 MyEtherWallet 0.53 million

24 ZenGo   0.50 million

25 Valora      0.50 million

26 Airbitz Bitcoin Wallet    0.50 million

What is the biggest crypto wallet?

Binance is the leading wallet on the famous ‘Bitcoin Rich List,’ which features the top 100 wallets by BTC count.

As of September 1, 2023, the wallet known as “34xp4,” managed by Binance,

had a remarkable 248,597 BTC worth $6.4 billion based on current BTC exchange rates.

It was founded on October 18, 2018, and its most recent transaction occurred on January 7, 2023.

Compared to a widely utilized exchange hot wallet, it encounters less activity due to its nature as a cold wallet.

The second-largest BTC wallet

contained 178,010 BTC worth $4.58 billion on September 1, 2023.

The wallet, designated as “bc1qg,” is owned and controlled by the cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex.

It was established on February 2, 2020, and its most recent BTC transaction occurred on March 30, 2023.

Robinhood’s cold wallet was recently ranked as the third-largest wallet.

The wallet “bc1ql” currently has 118,300 BTC worth little more than $3 billion.

Binance also controls the fourth-largest Bitcoin wallet, with the address “39884” holding 115,177 BTC worth $2.9 billion.

According to the Arkham dashboard, the United States government owns and administers the fifth wallet.

This wallet, designated “bc1qa,” is linked to false reports about the late Russian businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin.

The assets were aggregated into the address after US law enforcement officers forfeited the stash following the 2016 Bitfinex hack.

The US government’s 94,643 BTC retain is $2.4 billion. this is reveal On the Arkham’s dashboard,

the sixth-largest Bitcoin address, “37XuV,” remains unlabeled; nevertheless,

an annotation from 2020 is visible on the blockchain explorer

On January 19, 2020, a user called “Wolf755” stated that Huobi had the sixth-largest Bitcoin wallet.

The wallet was created on July 4, 2021, and no funds have been transferred.

This wallet has 94,505 BTC worth $2.4 billion as of September 1, 2023. “1Feex,” the seventh-largest BTC address,

is well-known and designated as the “Mt Gox Hacker” in Arkham.

On September 1, the eighth-largest BTC wallet was “bc1qa,” which was controlled and owned by the US government.

The funds in this wallet were obtained via the Silk Road breach, and government enforcement wants to sell the coins this year.

The “bc1qa” address holds approximately 69,370 BTC worth $1.78 billion.


    in summary this article have been able to explain a lot about how many cryptocurrency wallets are there.

    i have dive in deeply to list differents types of cryptocurrency wallets out there.

    i talked about how many crypto wallets you should have and the most important part is that you should back up your seedphrases to your wallet,

    and keep it in safe place so that you can use it in the future,

    if you eventually lost access to your phone or which ever devices you have been using to access your crypto.

    with your seedphrases to your crypto wallet, you can easily recover your cryptocurrency wallet Asap.

    read also our other related crypto post